ANCHORS OF ENCOURAGEMENT | Adoption, Adoption Trauma, Adoptive Parents, Parenting, Biblical Encouragement, Journaling

The Go-to Podcast for Adoptive Parents Who Want Encouragement in Their Adoption Journey! **TOP 2% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST** ** TOP 50 CHRISTIAN PARENTING PODCAST** Did you finally realize your dream of having a family only to have your happily ever after turn into a nightmare? Are you constantly second-guessing your parenting, anxious about whether your child will make good choices and remain faithful? Do you wish more than anything that your child would know Christ and just turn out ”OK”? Have you neglected yourself to the point that it’s taken a personal toll on you? Hi Neighbor! Welcome to Anchors of Encouragement. I’m Tim Maudlin: Husband, Adoptive Parent, Disciple of Christ, and Ambassador of Encouragement. I too felt the joy of having a family of my own and I wished we could be like other families. But I found myself up late at night, anxious about my child’s future and asking myself, ”Why is this happening? Am I a failure as a parent?” It was only by grabbing a lifeline from God and my friends that I was able to navigate the challenges of adoptive life. And now I can’t wait to share everything I’ve learned with you. My mission is to be your friend and encourager, to throw adoptive parents a lifeline, and offer biblical mindset support as you partner with Christ, providing stability as your anchor when you need it the most. If you’re ready for real and raw talk, with strategies and insights that lead to peace beyond comprehension so you not only survive but thrive in life’s storms, this podcast is for you. Hope and Healing are on the way! I’m here for you, neighbor! Connect: Community: Instagram:

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2 hours ago

“The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” ~Philippians 4:9
Hi Neighbor,
In this episode, I’ll share a personal story from my adoption journey and how it inspired my words for the year.
Ever think about the secret sauce to navigating the highs and lows of the adoption journey? Let’s chat about a concept from Philippians that might be your game-changer: PRACTICE.
Daily Doable: If you haven’t listened to them, check out Episodes 167-174. They help lay the foundation for the concepts behind PRACTICE.
Hope and Healing are on the way.
Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tim
P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.
Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let’s replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You’re never alone on this journey.
Reach out to Tim: email

Friday Feb 07, 2025

Whenever you find yourself triggered and negative thoughts are running through your head, what can you do? May I suggest it's time to empty the garbage? 
Hi Neighbor,
Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement.
This is the last episode in our series where I’ve been laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble.
Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep into their meanings by breaking them into acronyms, like a little puzzle – a tribute to my Mom who loved word jumbles.
Each episode will bring new insights and tools to help you navigate the year with faith and confidence. Don’t miss out on the journey!
Today’s word begins with the letter, “E.”
Feeling overwhelmed by negativity? In this episode, learn how to combat triggers with pen and paper. It is an empowering way to reclaim your mental space and find peace of mind.
Hope and Healing are on the way.
Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tim
P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.
Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let’s replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You’re never alone on this journey.
Reach out to Tim: email

Saturday Feb 01, 2025

“Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him.” ~Luke 10:33 NLT
Hi Neighbor,
Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement.
In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble.
Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep into their meanings by breaking them into acronyms, like a little puzzle – a tribute to my Mom who loved word jumbles.
Each episode will bring new insights and tools to help you navigate the year with faith and confidence. Don’t miss out on the journey!
Today’s word begins with the letter, “C.”
Oftentimes, the wounds in the adoption journey are not visible but they hurt nonetheless.
In this episode, let’s consider the story of the Good Samaritan and how to feel compassion and show mercy to adopted children and their parents. 
They need us to be neighbors who care deeply and offer support during their hardest times. 
Hope and Healing are on the way.
Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tim
P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.
Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let’s replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You’re never alone on this journey.
Reach out to Tim: email

Saturday Jan 25, 2025

“Therefore, don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6:34 CSB
Hi Neighbor,
Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement.
In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble.
Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep into their meanings by breaking them into acronyms, like a little puzzle – a tribute to my Mom who loved word jumbles.
Each episode will bring new insights and tools to help you navigate the year with faith and confidence. Don’t miss out on the journey!
Today’s word begins with the letter, “I.”
The adoption journey is filled with challenges, distractions, and anxiety. How do we stay focused? By being intentional every day. 
I’ll share 4 ways that help me to be intentional. And one my son Jonny shared in Episode 14.
Hope and Healing are on the way.
Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tim
P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.
Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let’s replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You’re never alone on this journey.
Reach out to Tim: email

Friday Jan 17, 2025

“Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body..” ~Proverbs 16:24 NLT
Hi Neighbor,
Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement.
In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble.
Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep into their meanings by breaking them into acronyms, like a little puzzle – a tribute to my Mom who loved word jumbles.
Each episode will bring new insights and tools to help you navigate the year with faith and confidence. Don’t miss out on the journey!
Today’s word begins with the letter, “C.”
The words we choose to share can be comforting and uplifting. A small compliment or kind word can make a significant difference in someone's day.
I’ll share two stories to illustrate this concept.
Hope and Healing are on the way.
Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tim
P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.
Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let’s replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You’re never alone on this journey.
Reach out to Tim: email

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025

“The generous will prosper. Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” ~Proverbs 11:25 NLT
Hi Neighbor,
Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement.
In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble.
Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep into their meanings by breaking them into acronyms, like a little puzzle – a tribute to my Mom who loved word jumbles.
Each episode will bring new insights and tools to help you navigate the year with faith and confidence. Don’t miss out on the journey!
Today’s word begins with the letter, “P.”
We’ll explore how to intentionally put principles in play to refresh adoptive parents. But the principle is only beginning to accomplish its purpose. Listen to find out why.
Our principle and affirmation comes from the book of Proverbs, chapter 11, verse 25.
Hope and Healing are on the way.
Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tim
P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.
Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let’s replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You’re never alone on this journey.
Reach out to Tim: email

Sunday Jan 05, 2025

“When snow falls, nature listens.” ~Antoinette van KleeffWhen snow falls, nature seems to slow down. Everything becomes quieter and calmer. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could harness that sense of calm for ourselves? I believe we can.
Hi Neighbor,
Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement, this one during a winter storm warning!
In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs, if you will, to a word jumble.
Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep into their meanings by breaking them down into acronyms, like a little puzzle – a tribute to my Mom who loved word jumbles.
Each episode will bring new insights and tools to help you navigate the year with faith and confidence. Don’t miss out on the journey!
Today’s word begins with the letter, “R.”
We’ll explore how to harness the calming effects of snowfall to bring intentional stillness into our lives.
Hope and Healing are on the way.
Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tim 
P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.
Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let’s replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You’re never alone on this journey.
Reach out to Tim: email

Friday Jan 03, 2025

“All for One and One for All!”
Hi Neighbor,
Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement.
In our previous episode, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs, if you will, to a word jumble.
Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep into their meanings by breaking them down into acronyms, like a little puzzle – a tribute to my Mom who loved word jumbles.
Each episode will bring new insights and tools to help you navigate the year with faith and confidence. Don’t miss out on the journey!
Today’s word begins with the letter, “T.” Actually, I have 2 words for you:)
We’ll also look into the book of Ecclesiastes for inspiration and reference a 17th-century novel about musketeers.
Hope and Healing are on the way.
Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tim
P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.
Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let’s replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You’re never alone on this journey.
Reach out to Tim: email

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025

“Your road led through the sea, Your pathway through the mighty waters, a pathway no one knew was there.” ~Psalm 77:19
Hi Neighbor,
Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement.
Today, I’m going to begin revealing what my words are for the coming year.
Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep into their meanings by breaking them down into acronyms, like a little puzzle – a tribute to my Mom who loved word jumbles.
Each episode will bring new insights and tools to help you navigate the year with faith and confidence. Don’t miss out on the journey!
Hope and Healing are on the way.
Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tim
P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.
Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let’s replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You’re never alone on this journey.
Reach out to Tim: email

Saturday Dec 28, 2024

Hi Neighbor,
December is a month where a lot of us select our word for the coming year. 
A word to provide a compass and guidance and direction as we anticipate the challenges and aspirations of the coming year. 
Have you ever chosen a word to guide you through the year?
As we enter the New Year, I want to encourage you to choose a word, or words, that will serve as your compass and guiding light. 
If you need support or would like to bounce your ideas off of me, feel free to reach out via email or join our Facebook community.
Together, we can navigate the wilderness of adoption and support each other through every step.
Hope and Healing are on the way.
Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tim
P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how.
Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let’s replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You’re never alone on this journey.
Reach out to Tim: email

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