Wednesday Jul 05, 2023

76 – When to Ask For Help? Support and Guidance for Struggling Adoptive Parents with Herbie Newell

Biblically, we were not created to do life alone. We were not created to do it in silos, and unfortunately, so many families feel like they’re alone. They’re in a silo, and they don’t want to admit that things are hard and that things are messy. But the first thing and the first road to finding some relief and healing is to say, things are messy and hard and I need help.

Hi Neighbor,

Joining me on this episode of Anchors of Encouragement is Herbie Newell. Herbie is the president and executive director of Lifeline Children’s Services, the largest Evangelical Christian adoption agency in America.

He is the host of The Defender Podcast and author of the book, “Image Bearers: Shifting from Pro-Birth to Pro-Life.” He is a true expert in adoption and child welfare.

Adoption and foster care often come with their own unique challenges. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness or defeat. In fact, it’s a necessary step in supporting adoptive and foster families.

In the adoption world, life can be messy and hard, but with the right support and acknowledging your need for help, you can overcome any challenge.

As is the case with anyone that I bring on the show to talk to you, I encourage you to do your due diligence. Listen to the information. Check out the resources and use what you can in your adoption journey to parent your child the best way you can.

Hope and Healing are on the way.

Your Neighbor,⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Lifeline Children’s Services



Herbie Newell: President & Executive Director

Lynn Beckett: parent coaching program

Angela Mains: Counselors

Ann Maura Hinton: Bridge Educational Services


Disclaimer: The content of this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always consult your healthcare provider with your health questions and concerns.

As is the case with anyone that I bring on the show to talk to you, I encourage take notes and listen to the information. Then do your due diligence and use what you can in your adoption journey to parent your child the best way you can.


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